
Experience the eerie and otherworldly with ' Wind' sound effects pack. Immerse yourself in howling alien whirlwinds and low rumbling space winds. Feel the intensity of heavy gusts and sand debris in storm winds, or the chill of cold mountain winds. Hear the haunting whistles and ghostly howls of canyon winds, or the constant intensity of hurricane winds. With various intensities and frequencies, this pack captures the essence of weather and sci-fi ambience, perfect...

14 - a - Wind 6060_75
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15a - Wind 6036_66
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09a - Wind TFH03_22
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10 - a - WindSciFi 8010_83
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11 - a - WindStorm_S1412_25
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07 - a - Wind 6080_94
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04 - a - Wind 6060_64
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20 - WindHurricane_S1412_22
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08a - Wind 6100_43
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06 - a - Wind 6070_48
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18 - Wind TFH03_28
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19 - WindSciFi 8010_94
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05 - a - Wind 6060_71
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02a - Wind 6036_46
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16 - Wind 6060_66
One Shot

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Wind: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub