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  3. Sci Fi Sound Effects
Sci Fi Sound Effects

Sci Fi Sound Effects

Audio Hero

Transform your sci-fi project with sound effects that will transport your audience to a world of futuristic technology and intergalactic battles. From reverse air bursts to space alarms and battles, these high-quality sound effects will add depth and excitement to your scenes. Immerse yourself in eerie ambience, powerful electric shocks, and the hum of spacecraft engines. With a variety of sci-fi ambiences, weapons, robots, and more, this pack is perfect for any space-themed project.

64 - SpaceShip 8007_47
One Shot
71 - SciFi PS02_55
One Shot
82 - SpaceZap 4001_88_1
One Shot
24 - DoorHatch 8002_72_1
One Shot
26 - DoorSciFi 8006_09_2
One Shot
32 - ElectricitySpark 8009_51_2
One Shot
34 - SciFi 6056_47_2
One Shot
39 - SciFi PS02_49
One Shot
One Shot
46 - GunLaser 8009_61_2
One Shot
72 - SciFiVortex 6086_28
One Shot
77 - SCI-FI-WIND_GEN-HDF-20894
One Shot
79 - WindSciFi 8010_85
One Shot
81 - SCI-FI-ZAP_GEN-HDF-20905
One Shot
01 - Air 8001_01_2
One Shot

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Sci Fi Sound Effects: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub