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  2. Loops & Audio
  3. Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio Hero

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.

Telephone Elec4 Hangup2
One Shot
Train Pass Int Btwn Cars
One Shot
Truck Mack07 Int Strt Off
One Shot
Truck Mack12 Int Horn Blast
One Shot
One Shot
Zipper Clothes Dress Zipup
One Shot
Music Woodblocks Gallop
One Shot
Roller Coaster Pass Scream
One Shot
One Shot
Sci Fi Laser14 Shot Pass By
One Shot
One Shot
Sports Football Tacklgrunt3
One Shot
Sports Hockey Shot Slap1
One Shot
Stereo Turntable Needl Skip
One Shot
Telephone Domestic Dial 3
One Shot