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- Loops & Audio
- Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio HeroAudio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.
cartoonhumandoorhouseholdfootstepsportsmusiccrowdanimalgunautoofficecrashtelephonesci fiimpactconstructionmotorcycleairplaneboatmilitaryclockwaterindustrytrainweatherglassbodyfallcoinfirebirdhockeyhospitalelevatortrafficbulletpunchdishesbuscasinobottlelockdropboxcasefly by small space craft or object passing byracebody hard body punch impactcabinetrobot
Sports Golf Swing Whoosh1
One Shot
Sports Hockey Shot Glass2
One Shot
Stereo Cd Player Close Tray
One Shot
Telephone Domestic Dial 5
One Shot
Train Subway Ext Thru Tnl1
One Shot
Teletype Model 15 Run
One Shot
Truck Mack04 Ext Pass Fst
One Shot
Toy Squeeze Single
One Shot
Water Ocean07 Hvy Crash1
One Shot
Water Stream Med
One Shot
Door Barn Close
One Shot
Door Bell6 Electronic Chime
One Shot
Door Knock6 Metal Soft
One Shot
Door Knocker Metal Lrg1
One Shot
Door Vault05 Closing Imp2
One Shot