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  3. Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1
Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1

Audio Hero

Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1 is a gallery of our very best sound effects. We have drawn together more than 3,000 royalty free sound effects representing over 60 major sound categories – and hand selected them from many of our most popular sound effects collections. Now available FREE, only on MuseHub.

householddishesbottleglassfoodswitchcandrawerovendryergrinderblindscan openerice drop single ice cube into glass tumbler dishesice ice out of bucket and into glass tumbler dishesmixersoft drink pour into glass and fizz sodatoast two wine glasses clink together dishesutensil set knife and fork down on plateaerosol can long sprayaerosol can remove lid from aerosol can spray plasticaerosol can replace lid on aerosol can spray plasticaerosol can spray polish on to tableair conditioner large wall unit: start run shut off fanbathtub drain tub gurglingbathtub fill bathtubbathtub water dripping into full tubbeer open beer can fizzbeer open bottle with openerbeer pop off cap with openerbeer pour beer into glassblender close lid blender electric mixer food processorblender open lid blender electric mixer food processorblender start mix shut off blender electric mixer food processorboil boiling water heat and boil in potcentral carpet beater attachment: on run stop: variouscereal pour cereal into bowl slowcereal pour milk on cereal cracklingclothes door close laundryclothes door open laundryclothes start run stop laundrycoffee electric: on grind off foodcoffee maker coffee maker brewingcooler large plastic cooler with hinged lid and latch: close and latch container lidcooler large plastic cooler with hinged lid and latch: unlatch and open container lidcupboard kitchen cabinet: close door woodcupboard kitchen cabinet: open door woodcupboard kitchen cabinet: slow squeaky close wood door creakcupboard kitchen cabinet: slow squeaky open wood door creakdishwasher close door
House Bottle Soda Pour1
One Shot
House Vacuum Central Run
One Shot
One Shot
House Bottle Beer1 Open
One Shot
One Shot
House Microwave Door Cls
One Shot
One Shot
House Dishes Plate Pickup
One Shot
House Dishes Stir Ice Drink
One Shot
House Switch Desk Lamp
One Shot
House Switch Wall Toggle On
One Shot
House Bottle01 Pop Cork
One Shot
One Shot
House Garbg Can Mtl2Lid On
One Shot
One Shot

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Audio Hero SFX Series Vol. 1: samples, sound and loops download | MuseHub