Everything is good, but harmonic symbols make the note sound 1 octave when they should sound just as written. Please fix this as soon as possible.
Everything is good, but harmonic symbols make the note sound 1 octave when they should sound just as written. Please fix this as soon as possible.
Everything else I love, but the staccato (and the other articulations) seems to be very aggressive when all I am asking for is short and detached.
Sound quality is very good, but there are issues on dynamics levels - marcato, etc. (especially on cello and doublebass) that are too much loud! Please fix it. Thanks.
The recent updates have made this better than the free muse sounds, especially at low dynamics where the other sounds struggle. However, the lack of harmonics is an egregious oversight, and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. It is unaccetpable.
MuseScore’s String samples have far more options for free.
The section sounds are good, but the solo instruments-explode on staccato notes by sounding almost 2 dynamic levels higher (with unassigned accents as well). Don't know if this is a CineStrings Solo issue or Muse playback engine, but it needs to be fixed.
I am giving a thumbs up just because the over sound is good for the price. There are some problems that prevent me from using the library though. In particular, the dynamics can be very uneven. For example, the D above C5 is very quiet, and some other notes above that D have the same problem. The staccato is a bit extreme and mf is very loud compared mp, but f is only slightly louder than mf. If the dynamics can get fixed, this will be a solid little library.
The title explains the issue. Otherwise, great muse sounds
CineStrings solo sound is a bit cold (violin), but strings sound more realistic than Muse strings solo, have les distortion (vibrato), but aren't very stable. I had to re-launch app 3-times to make them reappear.
Leider musste ich feststellen, dass ganze Noten in einem langsamen Tempo (bpm 60) als punktierte halbe Noten ausgeführt werden.... wäre schön, wenn das korrigiert würde!
Sounds better overall than the free museounds strings but there is no col legno, sul ponticello, or sul tasto.
Overall, this soundfont is good, for classical music, but I realized that that in modern comositions the dynamics are not so good. Anyways I love this, I dont regret buying this
The high register of the bass (above the concert middle C) is not implemented but it should be
Sound awesome, and although the MuseSound String sollists already sound great, these sound even better. The main problem of musesound being the annotying over the top legatos and glissandos on every note change, that fortunately these Samples do not have !
The instruments sound great, but the dynamic levels are all over the place. Within one bar and from measure to measure, note volume increases and decreases significantly.
To my knowledge, the cello can do so much in upper notes, A 4 is reasonable high note, when CS solo is F 4 (…)