I wish the strings had more vibrato, please fix this.
I wish the strings had more vibrato, please fix this.
Don't get me wrong, the sound quality itself is wonderful. But the legatos and dynamics do NOT work well. A lot of thought and care seemed to be put into MuseStrings but it seems with all these paid releases (Spitfire, Berlin Strings, etc.) that same level of care and thought put into how the samples actually WORK in MuseScore is not found here, nor in any of the other paid sound libraries. For most people who write actual music with moving, lyrical lines, expressive phrasing and dynamics, these libraries are sadly at the time of this review unusable. Not enough work has been done yet to make playback sound natural. The free MuseStrings library on the other hand DOES sound natural and works well in most cases, and I've come to appreciate it more now that I've tried these. Until these libraries are fixed, just stick with MuseStrings. They're not ready yet, but MuseStrings is.
It never fails, if you want to quickly check a string library, throw in an ostinato staccato passage at a quick (yet realistic) tempo and listen to it come undone. This library is no exception. It does shine, however, with slower more expressive music. Also, volume does not seem to be balanced properly across the string family; there are times I have to mark passages a dynamic level higher than the other strings, and that's not right. Overall, not very impressed. Big let down. I'll stick to MuseStrings for now.
Overall, this is okay. When notes are slow and the music is much more expressive this package really shines...but I tend to write faster music and this package fails in every aspect in that department. The tremolos sound terrible, all fast notes are basically mushed together or non existent. Wish I could recommend this sound library to others.
I would love having Sul pont in all sections along with sul pont trem, then it will be an excellent library !