There are players, and then there are principals: Add depth and detail to your arrangements with the principals of Berlin Strings First Chairs. These hand-picked specialists will add definition to your string ensembles, making melodies sing. They also work beautifully as a string quintet, lending presence and vitality to your most intimate compositions.
There are players, and then there are principals: Add depth and detail to your arrangements with the principals of Berlin Strings First Chairs. These hand-picked specialists will add definition to your string ensembles, making melodies sing. They also work beautifully as a string quintet, lending presence and vitality to your most intimate compositions.
There are players, and then there are principals: Add depth and detail to your arrangements with the principals of Berlin Strings First Chairs. These hand-picked specialists will add definition to your string ensembles, making melodies sing. They also work beautifully as a string quintet, lending presence and vitality to your most intimate compositions.
This library offers a beautiful collection of solo strings, performed by the “first chair” - also known as the section leader. Recorded at Teldex Studios, with the same recording setup and seating arrangement as Berlin Strings, the First Chairs library offers 5 beautiful solo string instruments for your compositions, performed by the best virtuoso musicians Berlin has to offer. This library also works as the perfect complement to the main Berlin Strings library, perfect for any solo passages within a piece, or as an additional layer combined with the main ensemble to provide more detail and movement.
Berlin Strings First Chairs StaffPad Edition brings the main Decca Tree recording perspective and condenses the sheer size of this sampling endeavour down into the most manageable of all forms: a single instrument staff per instrument that responds intelligently and dynamically to your notation. Legato and portamento intervals are handled automatically, and adjusted depending on playing speed and other factors. The short notes feature a huge number of repetition samples to ensure that even within the most fierce of ostinatos, you never perceivably recognise the same sample twice. Fast fun passages are automatically blurred for more realism. Even the vibrato adjusts automatically based on note-length and dynamic intensity. This is truly the pinnacle of orchestral sampling, and brought to life in a new and easy-to-use way within StaffPad.
Berlin Strings StaffPad Edition contains content curated and derived from Orchestral Tools’ flagship Berlin Strings First Chairs (available for Native Instruments Kontakt direct from the developer’s website), utilising the main Decca Tree recording perspective.
Muse Sounds Edition libraries are exclusive versions of the industry’s leading sample libraries; totally reprogrammed, redesigned and optimised for the unique playback engine found in MuseScore Studio and StaffPAd. These editions typically contain a single mixed mic position and a curated selection of articulations which work best with notation playback. Instruments that contain true legato or portamento transitions have been redesigned to take advantage of Muse Sounds totally bespoke legato engine, capable of creating realistic and smooth connected musical lines. Additionally, Muse Sounds Edition libraries are carefully optimised using the latest advancements in storage compression to avoid maxing out your device’s storage. To ensure a consistent and seamless experience within the app, there is no complex setup or specific UI for each library - just create the corresponding instrument staff within your score (or swap existing staffs in your score) and enjoy some of the best notation playback ever created.
Muse Sounds Editions are produced in partnership with the respective sample library developers.
It’s a shame that the sound of the strings is beautiful and realistic but there’s so much wrong with the way it was programmed for articulations and especially sustained notes… the vibrato is off and no matter what the dynamics are, there are random accents that happen here and there. Please fix.
First time I bought I was very lost with some articulations and the way the library responds to notation, now after a few days of use, its my favorite solo string library of musesounds, still I think needs a good update, maybe more round robins, Ostinatos are a big problem, it sounds very fake, Long notes are beautiful, maybe add the possibility of having harmonics?, I think this library does not have them, that would be nice. Thanks for the good work.
In quieter legato passages, the sound is full and rich. With faster tempos and shorter note values, odd things happen. Short notes play as if they have an accent over them—when they do not. For example, in a series of 8th notes followed by quarter notes, as in a 6/8 meter, the 8ths will all sound quite accented. I ended up going through my entire piece, reworking the articulations to accomodate for this odd behavior. I would add legato markings over notes to try to compensate for the strangeness. One consistent thing seems to be that in louder dynamics (f, or ff) the articulations get really short. These two things should not go together. Getting a loud, legato sound is difficult.
First 5 minutes of using this shows me I wasted my money.
A simple line of three legato half notes and a half rest can't be played right. When playback reaches the rest there is an extra, very short but louder articulation before the rest happens. It's like when the bow is released from the string it pops out one more articulation. C'mon! Glad this only cost me $8. The Muse Strings library does not do this and it was free.
Hopefully improvements are coming. There are several really annoying issues. 1) Even without score markings, dynamics are all over the place. One phrase plays really loud with hard accents, and the next plays really soft. 2) Randomly, a note sounds where there is a rest in the score. 3) Where dynamic markings are present in the score there is often a click as if the note-on occurs first then the new dynamic is applied afterwards. A composer should not have to alter a score to make up for flaws in the player. The player should interpret what the composer has intended.
I loved the product when it was released but after 1.0.5 came out it has been terrible. Notes are incredibly detached, accents cause all notes to play staccato and it generally ruins the flow of the music. Not only that, but support takes over a month to get back to me after I send them comprehensive information about the issue to tell me they will add the information to a ticket to get it fixed. The issue has been going on for over a month and you only now see what I sent?
Yes, it is better than the free solo strings where violin 1 plays with horrible portamento. However violin 1 in this plays with mysterious accents on shorter off beat notes and is very quiet on long note on the beat - violin 2 is better.
Expressive chamber settings when playing a soft piece. Love how slurs actually work in playback. However after new release 1.0.5 short notes become more agressive and when used in faster context notes without any articulation markings can’t give legato feeling, even with legato marking. Shorter non marked notes becomes almoust staccatissimo and with heavy accent. This was not a problem in previous version.
If looking for soundlibrary to use harmonics in solo strings this is not what you want.
Pizzicato is magnificent.
Very expressive in a chamber setting and super versatile and realistic as soloists. It has a few quirks in how it interprets music, and can become super loud and aggressive if things aren't slurred, but it isn't difficult to learn how it behaves and adjust your writing accordingly. Much better than old musesounds in my opinion. If you are looking for a better demo than the articulation video, I encourage you to look at this demo I threw together for pag 24: (note, I don't really care about subscribers or anything so please don't think this is a plug. Just a demo)