The sound is great but the dynamics are just almost terrible. the contrast is too much whenever you have a crescendo or dynamic change. Hopefully this will be fixed later on :) but otherwise is a great addition but I can't really use it because of the its dynamic changes.
nice sound with unbalanced dynamics, hope to fix it in the next update.
The solo and ensemble sounds are excellent on their own. The dynamics levels are not balanced, and very hard to arrange with. Specifically, solo trombone is inaudibly quiet at p or pp, barely there at mp, ok at mf, and blasting at mf or above. The range of instrumentation is also limited, I'd love to see Euphonium, Flugelhorn, and supported for various types of mutes.
I love the general quality of these MuseSounds, but there are still a few issues with playback. Anything quieter than forte is almost inaudible and extremely difficult to balance in the mix with other instruments. And there is only one type of mute available that is even quieter! Also, there is still no Euphonium included yet. I wish these problems had been fixed ages ago. Look forward to improvements in the near future!
Levels are totally out of whack. All brass instruments are really silent (just like real life, yeah?) compared to everything else. Playback is never quite on the beat, always a bit too loose and most of the time, note duration seems to be ignored.
Although it is not part of muse Brass, muse Percussion is also unbalanced with some sounds being way louder than others.
In order to have a wide range of brass instruments, it is necessary to have instruments such as french horn, baritone (or euphonium).
Please :)
the mellow but powerful Euphonium sound is not captured through the standard musescore sample. We need Euphoniums in here!
It has great instruments but PLEASE add baritones and euphoniums
Please add Euphonium and Baritone this is really good but it would be much better if it had Euphonium and baritone
These instruments sound absolutely amazing! But I would love to see the Euphonium be added as I am a Euphonium player. My work-around to this was having a trombone be a sub for the Euphonium and changing the sound to the Horns a6. But that's just what I do.
As others have stated, this needs euphonium and needs baritones.
Great sounds but cimbasso is hardly used and euphonium is a very prominent brass instrument that just seems to be missing
Needs to have a euphonium, and the dynamics are wacky
Great orchestral instrumentation sounds but needs Euphonium and other brass variations.
The Trumpets almost seem to quiet to be Trumpets. Where is the Euphonium part? Tuba Higher octave works as a good Euph replacement but there needs to be a Euph part
Love these free sounds, but desperately in need of a dynamics fix considering every dynamic needs a manual tweak to bring up to a workable level.
Horns a6 are better than the standalone instruments (Horn in F), but… can you please expand the bass range?... there are many pieces that reach below the low F...
I love the sounds but the dynamics are off where you can't get the right volume without having to tune it manually
Very good sounds, nice timbres and range across the instruments. Don't like the dynamics so much, either too loud in the trombones and horns, or too quiet in the trumpets. Also the lack of Euphonium and Baritone Horn, after all there is Cimbasso. Would like marching var. you could call it "Muse Corp" that would be nice.
Thank you for this free plugin which increase rendering quality of sheets. Human expressions in playing are impressive !
Just too bad, trumpets and trombones are too quiet under forte nuance...
Thank you for muted brass!!!
It's free, and sounds pretty good for and compared to the MS basic sounds it sounds like a real symphony, but I still have my complaints. Trombones are WAY too quiet below mf, and the dynamic jump from mp to mf is really extreme. Also there's little to no diversity in instruments if you're writing for anything beyond a basic orchestra, (euphonium, cornet, mellophone, etc), and some techniques are missing/janky (certain scoops/falls don't work, no growls, no audible gliss) Overall it's functional but it could use some work.
We need to fix the accentuated sustains for trumpets and trombones.
Why can’t the cimbasso play its full range?
EUPHONIUM, PLEASE I’M BEGGING. No good soundfonts for euph exsist anywheres, it’s harsh that even cimbasso recieved an offical soundfont before euphonium did