I love solo soprano and solo boy soprano; they sound really quite realistic. It would be much better if more voices were added, especially more solo voices.
I love solo soprano and solo boy soprano; they sound really quite realistic. It would be much better if more voices were added, especially more solo voices.
Very difficult to have a result that is not disappointing, especially with the women's voices which end up disappearing over the eighth notes leaving a breathy sound. The men's voices start to scream on the slightly high notes. I hope that this will be corrected, it seems that the sample is poorly measured at the attack and especially at the release.
I tried the original Voxos library in a DAW environment some years ago, and it was very good. Unfortunately, the Musescore version is heavily downgraded. The high pitches are stretched from lower notes, and sometimes it sounds like a Chip and Dale choir. Also it seems the dynamics are not complete, as FF sounds just like as MF but louder. The "Word Builder" is interesting, but limited as the original, maybe It can be the basis for a complete Word Builder in the future, but it won't work with dynamics either. Hope they make another more complete version of this, which they should give for free for those who bought thuis. The Cinesamples libraries are very good, but stay away from this, the free Muse Choir sounds much better.
I wish they offered sample clips you could listen to before spending money on samples. I'm quite disappointed with this as I actually prefer the free MuseSound voice samples over this collection. The sopranos sound quite nasally and unpleasant. Not as sonorous as the free sample. Also, there are noticeable gaps between notes, so it sounds quite choppy and machine-line rather than natural. I wish I could ask for a refund.
After the last update the Voxos plug-in is disappeared from the plug-ins list in the mixer. Please help on this. I paid 22.99 euro for this
I love this choir sound, all of my orchestrations utilize it. But one day my license disappeared, so I had to email Muse to get a refund so I could purchase it again.
And suddenly, the lyrics I type in aren't the ones being sung. I type in 'Te' and 'Ti' sounds. I type in 'Ti' and a loud atonal cluster sounds. What on earth is this sudden bug. It's unusable now.
Idk why people hate it. Is supert cool and work 100% of the times! I love it
This is hands down the worst that I have ever paid for. Very much does not do what is promised
I really hoped for good sounds. But the free Musesounds are WAY better then this. :(
This is a great soundfont! However, the lyrics are not clear to me. I would like an update where you are able to hear the lyrics clearly.
I initially gave this a good review, but I've changed my mind. I don't know whether it something to do with a Musescore update or the samples themselves, but this makes too many horrible spasms for no obvious reason. For example, some tunes with a repeated soprano C5 flip between loud and quiet for no reason.
Rough legato, or simply just doesn't work
Very disappointed because of the clumsiness of this sample, the dynamics are very sloppy, too loud on piano and lower, Muse Choir sounds much softer and natural. The change between syllables is rough, legato doesn't work how it should work. 3/10 - it is maximum, I guess.
The selectable lyrics in the user guide don’t play back when typed in. Unless there is a different way to put them in, I’m stuck with the “ahh” sample. Please fix this!
Natural sounding voices, good variety
The choir and solo voices all sound excellent, and being able to type in the syllables as lyrics is really neat. The whole thing adds a lot to an orchestral/choir score! One feature I would love to see (probably on the MuseScore end of development rather than with the sample library itself) is the ability to have distinct playback lyrics vs. written lyrics. That way you could have the actual lyrics written out on the page, and the playback could sing a different set of hidden VOXOS syllables. Anyhow, great sounds here. It's crazy how inexpensive these MuseSounds sample libraries are.
It feels so much better to be able to hear the choir sing words instead of just "Ah, Ooh, etc." even if it's in their own VOXOS language (which I jokingly call "Adiemus"). This results in a better approximation of your choir playback because words, even if it's pseudo words, add nuance to your mockup. This Latin-derived pseudo-language also adds a layer of mystery to the choir which I love. I'm a choir composer as much as I am orchestral, and this library is a must-have! One thing to know when using this library they can't melisma a syllable (which is understandable since it's a limitation of the source library. It can only do one note per syllable basis). Although, you can still fake a melisma by using vowels to "extend" the syllable through many notes. The solo soprano, solo boy, and boy choir, though it does not have word options, sounds so lush and beautiful. Also, did I mention this library comes with shouts, glissando shouts, and whispers? Now you know! I cannot recommend enough this library. It's absolutely fantastic!
Fixed the women and men voices from crashing the app
4note-8th-4note -> good Sound but then there is Always a break on this 4note and the next 8th which Comes after ist very late. Sounds like sh.... Don't know if I'm doing sth. wrong - I'm really upset for having Paid for this...
This sound library is incredible. This is truly an epic deal for the price. That said, there are some bugs as others have said. It is absolutely still worth your money, though.
Some of these sounds have worked alright, and I like the amount of phenomes you can play with. However, there are random bugs that really ruin the experience. the Women patch on mezzo forte legato has loud midi artifacts; the Men patch on staccato has the same volume at mezzo forte and forte (both are very loud); the legato is nonexistent/broken for both the Men and Women patches; the "Ra" phenome on the Men patch is way too loud at low dynamics. Those are the issues I've found so far and, until they're fixed, I can't recommend spending money on this.
Impressed by the clever technology and sounds great with opera, music theatre, musicals, and choral works. Was experiencing crashes when trying to play lyrics as numerical values e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 - stopped crashing when changes to one, two, three, four etc.
Every time I use Men/Women voices, musescore just crashes and there's no sound at all.